Monday, November 24, 2008

US Army's Quick Kill Active Protection System

"Quick Kill detects incoming RPGs and anti-tank missiles with an active electronically scanned array radar. Once its speed, trajectory and intercept point are computed, Quick Kill vertically soft-launches a small countermeasure missile. The countermeasure missile intercepts the incoming threat and destroys it with a focused blast warhead. All this happens within a blink of an eye. The Quick Kill missile has 360-degree capability and a reload capability, with each launcher typically containing eight to 16 missles. It could be used stationary or on the move with a wide range of vehicles from armored personnel carriers to airborne helicopters.
It is reported that the Humvee or JLTV may not be suitable for the Quick Kill APS, due to the blast pressures generated when the incoming warhead detonates, which would likely buckle lightly armored vehicles."
read more about the system here

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